Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No ugly woman, only lazy woman

Yes , i know i look better with makeup, but all these comes from hard work!

After slimming down, i look weary and tired all the time, my body feels weak because lack of nutrients.

Now almost everyday without fail, I drink birdnest in the morning. In between the days, collagen tablets, vitamin C and D tablets, detoxifying coffee, tablets to improve blood circulation,and prune essence at night.

Eye and face mask every night. After which hydration moisturiser on even days and whitening moisteriser on odd days.

Sometimes i put neck and breast masks too.

Its tedious work to maintain good , healthy looking skin and body D:

I will not advise you girls to follow my routine of depriving my own body from normal and healthy meals.


WW said...

take care of yourself. no point sacrificing health for external beauty :)

Shawn said...

actually you look pale w/o makeup. makes you look sick? tats just my opinion..

wtf said...

with or without make up ,you're still hideous.

Anonymous said...

hello may i know where you get this dress in this post?