Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In defense of my last post! haha

Its exactly because im still young i have the time to look so why settle for anything less when i can have something more?
I dont think the requirements i have set are really those high high ones like the 5Cs or positions in jobs and etc
And that is just a blog post to entertain all of you :) heh...
if I really really really like the guy do u think i will even care if he is 150cm?

and of course the more important factors will be that he love me , love my parents etc etc

but its just that people have been asking me why im still single so i just come up with a quirky answer to it hehe :)

In addition i realised that in these months i have met really some nice gentlemen but its just some of their habits that stopped me etc clubbing and drinking.
Really cannot tolerate, call every wed, thurs and fri night to them.
"hey where you? oh, st james/powerhouse/supper/butter/thai clubs...."

Seriously, the next day he will be sooooo tired for work i dont think he have the energy to meet me after their work.
Even if he is still awake enough to meet me he will be scacrifcing his rest time and then the next day, he will be soooooo tired again.

Its a tedious routine D:

I know clubbing its some form of entertainment, of relaxation but those who still enjoys/ or able to find time and energy are those who dont have serious work commitment or still studying etc etc

If not for those that i know my family wouldn't approve, for this case i will fight with my parents one, and i found out that even though i always try to prove my mum and dad they are wrong, they ended up right most of the times.
In addition, i know the education part may sound ridiculous to some of you, but its like going for job interview you need to have certain calibre before you scored the job?
Its something like that ........

After that EX, i learnt family comes first in everything though i agree love is a two person's matter only, but each other parents played a very important part.

To really give up the one you really LOVE because of parents' factor might be really stupid but in this life u have to learn, eventually the one u married might not be the one u loved the most, but its actually the one u loved and the one u CAN lived with the rest of your life.....

I really dont want to pester my husband on this qn
" your mum and me dropped in the river who will u save?"

because thats the exact same qn i dont want to pester my son in the future :)

heh, im still young , love is not a priority to me :)

and im really ok being alone it suits my personality alot.
I may whine and cry sometimes that im alone but haven't I been proving to all of you that my emotional states may not be in the best form but i take care of my family, my friends, my job, my studies and my health too :)
Life cant be perfect, if i missed out the opportunity to find that someone, so be it.
because if he is there he is there, no point searching high and low if he is not there.

i believe even if i grow old i wont be alone :)


Anonymous said...

lets say, ur thoughts are interesting for a girl.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your blue maxi dress looks fantastic, you wear it so well. Care to share where you bought it? Thanks! - your fan